Crafting classes are getting Specialist System, Collectible System, Scrips and other new mechanics.The Gnath Beastmen that worships Ravana.The Vanu Vanu Beastmen that worships Bismarck.New Primals including Bismarck and Ravana.New areas include Coerthas Western Highlands, Dravanian Forelands, Dravanian Hinterlands, The Churning Mists, The Sea of Clouds, Floating Continent, Chocobo Forest.9 new massive locations, 8 new dungeons (initially) and raids.Zones include Ishgard: Foundation and Ishgard: The Pillars. 4th City-State, The Holy See of Ishgard.The Dragonsong War - The bloody thousand-year conflict between Ishgard and Dravania.Bahamut's story about how he was summoned and captured will also be revealed. Dragons are Nizbeck, Bahamut, Tiamat and more. 7 sons of Midgardsormr are central to the story. Story revolves around The Dragonsong War and The Wyrmking versus Thordan and his Knights Twelve.Takes place in a new region called Ishgard.New 8-player Raid, Alexander (normal and savage modes).Level cap increased from 50 to 60 (including all crafting and gathering classes).3 new Jobs: Dark Knight (Tank), Astrologian (Healer) Machinist (DPS).With the release of Stormblood, Heavensward is no longer sold on its own, but included with purchase of newer expansions. The main setting of Heavensward is Ishgard and in order to access it you need to complete all of the Seventh Astral Era Quests up to Before the Dawn (all of the Main Scenario Quests up to and including patch 2.55).

It was first revealed at the North American Fan Festival on October 18, 2014. Heavensward (considered version 3.0 of the game) is the first expansion for Final Fantasy XIV released in Jfor PC, Mac, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.